Thursday, June 30, 2011

An Eternal Flame

Soulmates are not always just lovers . . .

An Eternal Flame

Long ago in another life
You and I stood side by side
Both so strong with will
Motivated by hunger thirst and desire
Of all that nourish the mind and spirit
And feed the inner fire
Inquisitive with the universe
And all that lay within it

We sought what pleased the mind and spirit
Yet found that what please the mind and spirit
Does not necessarily supplement the soul
I have known you through the centuries

I have spent lifetimes keeping you at bay
Evil forces play well with you
Every word that you say is
So well placed
Just the right color
Tastes so good in the mouth
Satisfying and hearty going down
And feels so damned cozy on the feet

My battle is never won
My shield is always at my side
And the warriors always seem to die
Before this fucking struggle is complete

I have met you on the ocean
I have met you in the wood
I have met you on the river
Yet my defenses are no good
You are the formidable enemy
A challenge I abhor
I am weary of this battle
I wish to fight no more

My Secret Obsession Lesbian Erotica

PLEASE . . . don't go to work today . . .

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Diana Trees: TwitterFic - This should Catch Me Up!

Diana Trees: TwitterFic - This should Catch Me Up!: "I believe that this post catches me up with all of the TwitterFic that I've posted to the Twitter stream. If I've missed one of your favorit..."


I am going to post ALL 25 of my short stories on SMASHWORDS.COM . They will all be available in any ebook format you may need, and they will be priced @ $1.50 .

My Secret Obsession Lesbian Erotica

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Morning Lesbian Kisses. I Miss You Already.

RomantiC LesbiaN KiSs .004

Gay Marriage Sponsor Daniel O'Donnell Engaged To Marry In New York | On Top Magazine :: Gay & Lesbian News, Entertainment, Commentary & Travel

Gay Marriage Sponsor Daniel O'Donnell Engaged To Marry In New York

By On Top Magazine Staff
Published: June 27, 2011

New York Representative Daniel O'Donnell is engaged to be married.
The 50-year-old O'Donnell has on four occasions successfully championed a gay marriage bill in the New York Assembly. Twice the Senate refused to vote on the proposed legislation, in 2009 they rejected it, but on Friday it cleared the chamber and Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the bill into law, making New York the largest state yet to legalize gay marriage.

Friday, June 24, 2011

New Q / A at

Hi Blue

I have recently come out as a lesbian at 27 after 11 yrs of denial. Now I have never had an orgasm with women as I have not been with many and I was wondering, if a woman does not orgasm during non penetrative contact is it still sex? I know it sounds silly but I am new to all this and I have no-one to ask. I know penetration is classified as sex but if it's just oral I was kind of confused.
I love your name and your stories!


I hope that you are having an easy time being out and proud. It can be quite an adjustment.

You asked: "if a woman does not orgasm during non penetrative contact is it still sex?"

The answer is: you are still having sex. For example- If you are rubbing pelvises together WITH YOUR JEANS ON - not even touching each other and getting excited and aroused - it's still having sex. And certainly if you are having oral stimulation administered to you, or you are administering- you are having sex whether anyone achieves orgasm or not.

You do not sound silly at all. You are asking intelligent questions. And my answer is - any time you are engaging in intimate activity that is causing sexual stimulation- it is sex.

Thank you for liking my stories! And, write again if you need to!

Love and hugs and xoxox!

GLSEN: Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network: March with GLSEN at Pride to Commemorate a Remarkable Year

GLSEN: Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network: March with GLSEN at Pride to Commemorate a Remarkable Year It's GAY PRIDE WEEKEND, HOUSTON! YEEEEHAAAAA!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Tracks

The Tracks, by Blue Sleighty

Chapter One

Blood streamed from the new hole where Jay had forced the dull, spurred point of what should have been a disposable syringe into the frequently tapped vein in the pit of his elbow. When he pushed the worn and dulled point through the scar tissue that had developed over the years of violation it had endured from his constant need to feed his soul the life sustenance he had grown to worship, he and the nameless random woman who was laying near enough to him when he delivered his dose could actually hear the crackling, ripping sound of the pencil lead sharp needle tearing through the thick calloused fiber of his being. And then, temporarily, all was good.

He could have gotten a new syringe. But, aside from being lazy- he didn’t want to share his drugs. Jay had found that most women would rather not shove a nail up their arm to get high. And- if they didn’t mind doing it- Jay found new company. He didn’t share dope with his female companions unless they bought it in the first place or they had an income. The women he met rarely had much in the way of initiative or life management skills. These were the ones that clamored around Jay, wanting him to love them at any cost. Jay preferred the weak, emotionally disturbed ones.

Jay was a very handsome and talented entertainer. When he was in high school, he wanted to be Elvis. Maureen dyed Jay’s hair ‘midnight blue’. She wanted him to be Elvis, too. He was a very good guitarist, and singer and he worked hard in his teen years, practicing every day with the other boys that he knew who shared similar dreams. He had taken drama courses throughout his academic years and had become a very good actor, speaker, musician, liar, exhibitionist and womanizer even before he graduated from high school.

The Vietnam War era found Jay coerced into joining the Marines. However when the completion of boot camp saw him faced with being shipped overseas to actually see combat, he decided it really was NOT for him. On the day Jay was to be shipped out, his weeping mother kept him company at the airport awaiting his flight out. Jay slipped into the men’s room as he and his mother, Maureen had planned and cut both of his wrists with the government issue knife he wore per regulation on his belt. The cowardly faked suicide attempt earned him a dishonorable discharge and a rather negative psychological evaluation. As his momma’s only son, however, he remained free from duty and was not incarcerated.

His handsome features and sculptured body certainly had their advantages. Jay was able to stay employed without much effort. As his professional career developed and he learned the ropes of the entertainment world through experience- he chose to be second rate. It afforded him the choice of being excellent or not. It was much less pressure that way. No one expected much- and he surely did not intend to at that time and never would- give much. Jay was conceited and arrogant. He had become very muscularly toned and of a pleasing physique in boot camp. He was NEVER at a loss for company- sexually or otherwise. Jay grew far too fond of and secure in his more superficial attributes. For, alas- male or female- physical beauty fades with years.

In late 1960’s America- life was pretty simple for Jay. It was black and white. He had at a very young age simplified his life and his manhood to a manageable list of needs that would cripple him and his development as a human forever. His drug. His music. The company of a beautiful woman. If he had those three things- the rest just fell into place, including oxygen, water, food and lastly- love. Because even though it was the so called “Summer of Love” – Jay loved no one as much as he loved himself. But- he had little choice. He was raised that way.

Jay’s mother loved him as much or more than any mommy could love her boy. Maureen was proud of Jay from the day he emerged slimy, blue and screaming from her womb. Every day he grew more handsome, and with the development of each of Jay’s fine features, mother Maureen fell deeper in love and became more proud of him until soon he was the light of her life and her reason for living.

Jay was not her only child. She had first her daughter, Lenore, and before her daughter, she had a husband that she may have loved once- until Jay came. As Jay grew up- Maureen lost interest in all but him. Her daughter was forgotten along with her husband.

Jay’s father found new love and happiness without much difficulty. Jay’s sister did not fare so well and became one of the names on the long list of casualties in the wake of the evilness of Jay’s existence.

Maureen looked in the mirror. She could see Jay’s reflection beside her. Everything that she loved about herself she identified in Jay physically, and as she manipulated him, even her character began to personify herself within the boy. There were times when Jay was like a puppet, repeating the wisdom, wit and charm that Maureen imparted to him and Jay accepted it like a warm enema- infusing the intruding concoction that was his mother into him like embalming fluid – absorbing her into his tender tissue from within – while anything that was ever really him was thoroughly rinsed away and flushed down the toilet.

Soon no two were ever so alike.  Maureen had no other men in her life. The women in Jay’s life rarely stayed long. The competition was too fierce and as there was little to begin with, there was no love left over.


A Sexy Lesbian Drawing - Girls Drinking

Coming Out … Twice

Coming Out … Twice
To say that senior year of high school was a dramatic year for me would be like saying World of Warcraft is only a little addictive – i.e. a huge understatement (and I have an empty family-sized bag of kettle chips and 36 hours without sleep to back me up on that). You see, that wasn’t only the year I finally came out to my parents about my veganism, it was the year I CAME OUT.

My Secret Obsession Lesbian Erotica

Mid Morning Lesbian Kisses

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Historic church trial takes place in Kaukauna - WTAQ News Talk 97.5FM and 1360AM

Historic church trial takes place in Kaukauna - WTAQ News Talk 97.5FM and 1360AM
For the first time in Wisconsin, an openly gay United Methodist minister will go on trial charged with officiating a marriage ceremony for a lesbian couple.

My Secret Obsession Lesbian Erotica

Short Erotica from Daisy Danger, Uppercut Avenue, bombshells-and-rockstars.....

Erotica World An erotica podcast hosted by Lacy (netfux). Thumbs up!


Short Erotica from Daisy Danger, Uppercut Avenue, bombshells-and-rockstars.....

My Secret Obsession Lesbian Erotica

Vote For The Best In Adult Products

Visit here to vote for the 2011 BEST in sex toys, fetish wear, and more!

Click here to see the nominees, and register to vote!

My Secret Obsession Lesbian Erotica

Morning Lesbian Kisses From Blue to YOU

Humanist charity welcome UN Human Rights resolution -

Humanist charity welcome UN Human Rights resolution - The UK gay Humanist charity the Pink Triangle Trust has warmly welcomed the passing by the UN Human Rights Council of a resolution concerning sexual orientation.

MySecretObsession Lesbian Erotica

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Lesbian Moment From Blue to You

Guard Scolds Lesbian Fans For Kissing - Sports News Story - KTVZ Bend

Guard Scolds Lesbian Fans For Kissing - Sports News Story - KTVZ Bend Two lesbian women are claiming discrimination after a Minnesota Twins security guard scolded them for kissing during a recent game.


Sexy Lesbian Kiss From Blue to You

Squeaky Clean Lesbian Kisses

Tracy Morgan Has Lost His Gay Fan, Joan Rivers Jokes | On Top Magazine :: Gay & Lesbian News, Entertainment, Commentary & Travel

Tracy Morgan Has Lost His Gay Fan, Joan Rivers Jokes On Top Magazine :: Gay & Lesbian News, Entertainment, Commentary & Travel 
Reacting to fellow comedian Tracy Morgan's anti-gay rant and subsequent apology, Joan Rivers joked he's lost his only gay fan.
“Gay fans? What are they doing seeing him anyhow? Why aren't they watching me and Kathy Griffin? What are they doing at his show?” Rivers told The Daily Beast.
She then joked, “He's lost his gay fan.”
In a routine delivered last weekend in Nashville, Morgan, the star of NBC's 30 Rock, condoned anti-gay bullying and said he would stab his son to death if he found out he was gay.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

New 'AllExperts' Q/A!

Dear Blue,

I am not sure if I am lesbian, but I have developed very strong feelings for my good friend and I don't know if it is just her that I love, or if I am indeed lesbian.  So, I have sort of tried experimenting a bit.  I have two questions that are sort of unrelated:
I was reading a few of your other posts and I saw that you suggested knowing yourself and finding what feels good to you to help pleasure someone else and so on.  I also saw erotica on your website and began experimenting.  I have done this many times before, I will watch erotica and begin to experiment and only a minute or two in I get this great feeling, my legs shake a bit and I get all tingly and then all of a sudden my clit gets too sensitive to touch and nothing is pleasurable any more.  I can't enjoy more than a minute or two and it becomes a big turn off.  What is happening and do you have any suggestions?
My other question is, while I was watching the erotica, one woman was wearing a strap on dildo.  I will start off by saying I personally find oral sex to be disgusting, no way about, and so I was not turned on by that part of the movie.  I was most turned on by the penetration of the dildo.  Does this make me not lesbian and mean that I would prefer regular sex with a man?

I could get more insight if I knew your age, relationship history, and understood what your experiences with men (if any) have been like.
It would also be helpful to know about your experiences with climax. Because the description of the feeling that you get when you experiment sounds like an orgasm. Perhaps just not a very lengthy or intense one. Have you been able to reach climax throughout your sexual maturity?
1st part of your question:
Most women experience clitoral ultra sensitivity after reaching climax.
It is also possible that your clit becomes ultra sensitive as your arousal increases and your clit becomes engorged and a change of technique could help you.
I suggest that you experience a little more experimental time with yourself. As you watch your stimulus (movie, or pics, or whatever you choose) do not immediately begin to directly touch yourself. When you start to become aroused, touch your breasts first, then caress your abdomen, but be slower to stimulate your clit directly.
Try keeping your panties, or even jeans ON at first, and then kind of 'patting' your clitoris. As you try it- you will see what I mean. After you stimulate your clit in this less direct way, you can increase pressure until you feel that it is time for more direct stimulation and remove the barrier of your clothing. At that point, you might try using a lot of lubrication once you have your fingers in direct contact with your clitoris, and keeping your touch softer and off to the side. Also experiment with a light circular motion at different speeds and different areas on your clit- but always lubricated.
2nd part:
MANY lesbians enjoy strap on sex. I am a BIG fan of it, myself, and I am definitely a lesbian.  For you in particular I can't answer this part of your question very well until I know a little more about you. It is entirely possible that you are not a lesbian. You could possibly be sharing intimacy without being a lesbian at all.
>> Does this make me not lesbian and mean that I would prefer regular sex with a man?<<
Just the fact that you watched a movie and were turned on by lesbian strap on sex does not make you a lesbian.

Pornography has one purpose: to sexually stimulate you. It doesn't matter what niche within the  porn lies- if it is doing it's job- it will arouse you. But- that does not doom you to freakdom, or lesbianism because you would pretty much have to be dead in order to NOT experience sexual excitement when watching ANY type of porn. Even porn of subject matter towards which you do not find yourself normally drawn.
It COULD be that you are gay. But- maybe not. If you know for a fact that you are in love with a woman and want to spend the rest of your life with her- you are very likely a lesbian. Being a lesbian is far more than sex. It is a lifestyle and a 'mindset'. If you are just in it for the sex, and can't picture yourself spending the rest of your life with the woman that you love, you might just be sexually adventurous or maybe bisexual and not really a lesbian.
Only time and experience will tell.
Blue Sleighty

Friday, June 3, 2011

Gay rally, parade fills June void left by Pride's move to fall

Austin, Texas: Gay rally, parade fills June void left by Pride's move to fall Austin's Pride Parade and Festival, which has been held on the first Saturday of June since 2002 and also includes a Pride Run, has changed a lot in the past year. The Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce created a foundation specifically to handle the Pride events, which attracts thousands of people — 45,000 people attended the 2008 festival, for example. The new Austin Gay and Lesbian Pride Foundation made two major changes: The group moved the parade from the first Saturday in June to Sept. 10, and it announced that the culminating festival — held at the Long Center for the Performing Arts last year — will move to a more intimate venue away from downtown, Fiesta Gardens.

Billboard Urges GOPer Roy McDonald To Support Gay Marriage | On Top Magazine :: Gay & Lesbian News, Entertainment, Commentary & Travel

Billboard Urges GOPer Roy McDonald To Support Gay Marriage

McDonald, who voted against a gay marriage bill in 2009 as an assemblyman, now says he's on the fence. He's among the five Republicans who say they're rethinking their stance.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Global Panel Recommends Decriminalizing Marijuana

Global Panel Recommends Decriminalizing Marijuana 
(NewsCore) - A group of prominent former world leaders said Wednesday the so-called war on drugs has "failed" and that decriminalizing marijuana may help curb drug-related violence and social ills.
"The global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world," the members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy say in a report.